Central European Stakeholders Workshop
Participatory processes in development and implementation of climate and energy strategies
September 23th, 9:50-14:30 CEST
Public participation is key for decision makers to identify wider public concerns, share information, gather expertise opinion and build legitimacy. Participatory planning is also considered to improve planning process in terms of increasing acceptance of final plans and ability to generate public support. With the workshop “Participatory processes in development and implementation of climate and energy strategies” we want to provide knowledge on how to implement participatory processes that can be legitimatized by the involvement of citizens, stakeholders, and public administrations, and be able to influence the policy process, focusing mainly on development and implementation of climate and energy strategies. However, there is no “one-size-fits-all” principle that can be applied to civic participation, and existing knowledge and success stories should be adapted to different national contexts. In this regard, second part of the event will be dedicated to presentations of good practices from Central Europe and discussion on how the existing knowledge and lessons learned can be used to effectively engage the public in designing and implementation of long-term climate strategies.
9:50 | Introduction |
10:00 | Public Engagement: The Road to a Good Strategy or Development Document Speaker: Tina Divjak, CNVOS - National NGO Information Centre Engaging with the public at an early stage in the decision-making process can prevent possible subsequent disputes in practice, but above all it makes sense to obtain additional arguments, positions, opinions, information as well as critical considerations, which certainly contributes to a better quality of decisions. Q&A/Discussion |
10:30 | Role of investors in participative processes Speaker: Senka Šifkovič Vrbica, PIC - Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs Q&A/Discussion |
11:00 | Good practices of public participation in formulation and implementation of energy and climate strategy documents / Part I Experiences from Central Europe and beyond: Innovative public engagement approaches, success stories of public participation Speakers:
12:00 | Break |
12:30 | Good practices of public participation in formulation and implementation of energy and climate strategy documents / Part II Experiences from Central Europe and beyond: Innovative public engagement approaches, success stories of public participation Speakers:
13:30 | Interactive Speakers & Participants Roundtable How can existing knowledge and good practices be used to effectively engage the public in designing and implementation of long-term climate strategies? |
14:30 | Summary of the workshop |