The event “Just Transition – Ideas, projects and finance for life after coal in Jiu Valley” is close to the finish line with the preparations. It will take place on Thursday, October 22, 2020, and will be organised in a hybrid format, both online and live, the physical meeting being hosted at the University of Petroşani, Romania.
You can find more details on the topics to be discussed and the agenda in the event brochure.
For live streaming from ZOOM platform of the original (English and Romanian) version, please access Facebook: Universitatea din Petrosani
Evenimentul „Tranzitia justa de la carbune – Idei, proiecte si surse de finantare in Valea Jiului” este aproape de linia de sosire, cu pregatirile. Acesta va avea loc joi, 22 octombrie 2020 si va fi organizat intr-un format hibrid, atat in mediul virtual, cat si fizic, intalnirea fiind gazduita de Universitatea din Petrosani, Romania.
Gasiti mai multe detalii despre temele propuse si agenda in brosura evenimentului.
Pentru vizionarea transmisiunii in direct de pe platforma ZOOM – varianta in limba romana, va rugam accesati Youtube Channel: Universitatea Petrosani