TRACER online Capacity Building Event:
“Clean energy transition of the Region of Western Macedonia: Funding Opportunities”
Thursday, 2nd of December 2021
Virtual event (via zoom)
Duration: 08:30-13:00 (CET)
The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources & Saving – CRES invites you to attend the online Capacity Building Event “Clean energy transition of the Region of Western Macedonia: Funding Opportunities”, which is organized under the frame of the Horizon 2020 European project TRACER: “Smart Strategies for the Transition in Coal Intensive Regions”.
During the event, the existing funding possibilities as well as the available funding tools at national and European level, necessary for supporting the more smooth and just transition to the after-lignite era will be presented to the local and regional authorities, research and other bodies, as well as the business of the Region of Western Macedonia, aiming at the improvement of the capacities of the interested stakeholders in finding the necessary resources to implement investment projects in the field of clean energy transition.
Participation: Free
Registrations: Until Thursday the 30th of November 2021 (13:00 p.m. CET), through the
following link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about
joining the meeting.
More information / Contact:
CRES –Training Department, Georgia Veziryianni (+ 30 210 6603267,
You are not required to install the Zoom Client or download the Zoom app; you can
join the meeting via your browse