ISPE and AISVJ, TRACER Romanian partners, together with their local academic partner University of Petrosani and the new local governance structure – ADTIVJ, invited all key stakeholders in Jiu Valley, and not only, to attend this hybrid event, on the 14th of July 2022, in order to understand more about what further steps need to be done to attract funds and foreign capital.
The event brought together audience physically present (approx. 25 people) and others approx. 26 online, from national, regional and local level, and 18 speakers and chairs from Romania and Europe.
The presence of the following panellists honoured the audience (click on the names to view the presentation):
- World Bank in Romania
- EHPA (European Heat Pump Association)
- ESMC (European Solar Manufacturing Council)
- Foreign Investors Council in Romania
- AmCham – American Chamber of Commerce in Romania
- Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry CCI Hunedoara
- ADR Vest (West Regional Development Agency)
- Professor Dr. Berg & Kießling GmbH, Germany
- Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy, Nederland
- Local governance structure ADTIVJ (Jiu Valley Integrated Territorial Development Association) and its members: Invest in Jiu Valley and ACIVJ with 2 presentations:
- Romanian TRACER partners – ISPE and AISVJ
Event final brochure and recording
Event follow-ups in the local mass-media:
Exclusiv newspaper
Cronica Vaii Jiului newspaper