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    Guideline on available European funds and programmes for low carbon energy projects in coal intensive regions

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    Smernice o dostupnim evropskim fondovima i programima za projekte u oblasti energetike sa niskim sadržajem ugljenika u regionima sa intenzivnom eksploatacijom uglja

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    Насоки за наличните европейски фондове и програми за нисковъглеродни енергийни проекти в региони с интензивно използване на въглища

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    Przewodnik dotyczący dostępnych funduszy europejskich i programów obejmujących niskoemisyjne projekty energetyczne w regionie o wysokiej intensywności wydobycia węgla

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    Οδηγός για τα διαθέσιμα ευρωπαϊκά κονδύλια και προγράμματα για ενεργειακά έργα χαμηλών εκπομπών άνθρακα στις περιφέρειες υψηλής έντασης άνθρακα

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    Ghid privind fondurile și programele europene de finanțare disponibile pentru proiecte energetice cu emisii reduse de carbon în regiunile intensiv carbonifere

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    Leitfaden zu verfügbaren europäischen Mitteln und Programmen für kohlenstoffarme Energieprojekte in Bergbauregionen

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    Souhrnný průvodce zdroji veřejného financování pro projekty v intenzivních uhelných regionech


Stakeholder Workshop, 15 May 2019 Großräschen, Germany


AM 15. MAI 2019 UM 09:30 UHR
Michael Haubold-Rosar, FIB e.V. (additional Greetings requested)
09:45Welcome & Introduction to TRACER Project Rainer
Janssen, WIP - Renewable Energies
10:00EU Coal Regions in Transition Platform: main Activities and Cooperation Opportunities
Alexandra Tomczak, EU Commission, DG ENER, Policy Coordinator - Coal
10:30Transition and Regional Development: what EU Cohesion Policy can contribute
Kai Stryczynski, EU Commission, DG REGIO
11:00Coffee Break
11:30Rehabilitation of former state-owned Lignite Mining in Eastern Germany - Results and Tasks
Stefan Zundel, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
12:00Decarbonization in Flyover Country? - Transition Management in Lusatia
Jörg Schlenstedt, LMBV
12:30The Challenges of the Regional Development of Post-Mining
Karsten Feucht, IBA-Studierhaus
13:00Launch Break
14:00Knowledge Exchange about the Region
Sara Davies, University of Strathclyde
15:30Walk to the Vineyard Großräschen at IBA-Terrassen & Degu
Cornelia Wobar, WeinbauWobar
16:30End of the Event & Good Bye!